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Assessment Calendar

State Assessments

  • Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) (Grades 3-8) The IAR is an achievement assessment that measures knowledge and skills aligned to the English language arts and mathematics Illinois State Learning Standards.

  • Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) (Students with significant cognitive disabilities in Grades 3rd-8th) The DLM measures student performance on alternative achievement standards. 

  • Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) (Grades 5th and 8th). The ISA measures progress in meeting the Next Generation Science Standards. 

  • Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State (ACCESS) (English Language Learners in Grades K-8). The ACCESS test measures developmental progress in English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

  • Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) is an observation-based tool that documents school readiness in kindergarten students. 

Local Assessments

  • Teaching Strategies GOLD (Preschool) Teaching Strategies Gold is an observation-based tool that documents progress on early learning skills.

  • NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) (Grades 2-8) MAP is an adaptive assessment that measures academic growth in reading and mathematics.

  • Independent Reading Level Assessment (IRLA) and  Evaluación  de Nivel Independiente de Lectura (ENIL) (Grades K-3) The IRLA and ENIL are formative assessments to document daily reading skills and behaviors to guide instruction

  • Cognitive Abilities Test (CoGAT) (Grades 2 and 5) - The CoGAT is an assessment of verbal, quantitative, and non-verbal reasoning

  • Advent STAMP (Dual Language) - Spanish Language proficiency assessment

  • iReady Math Diagnostic - (6-8) The iReady Math Diagnostic is a computer-adaptive assessment used to determine student ability level