Assessment Calendar
State Assessments
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) (Grades 3-8) The IAR is an achievement assessment that measures knowledge and skills aligned to the English language arts and mathematics Illinois State Learning Standards.
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) (Students with significant cognitive disabilities in Grades 3rd-8th) The DLM measures student performance on alternative achievement standards.
Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) (Grades 5th and 8th). The ISA measures progress in meeting the Next Generation Science Standards.
Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State (ACCESS) (English Language Learners in Grades K-8). The ACCESS test measures developmental progress in English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) is an observation-based tool that documents school readiness in kindergarten students.
Local Assessments
Teaching Strategies GOLD (Preschool) Teaching Strategies Gold is an observation-based tool that documents progress on early learning skills.
NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) (Grades 2-8) MAP is an adaptive assessment that measures academic growth in reading and mathematics.
Independent Reading Level Assessment (IRLA) and Evaluación de Nivel Independiente de Lectura (ENIL) (Grades K-3) The IRLA and ENIL are formative assessments to document daily reading skills and behaviors to guide instruction
Cognitive Abilities Test (CoGAT) (Grades 2 and 5) - The CoGAT is an assessment of verbal, quantitative, and non-verbal reasoning
Advent STAMP (Dual Language) - Spanish Language proficiency assessment
iReady Math Diagnostic - (6-8) The iReady Math Diagnostic is a computer-adaptive assessment used to determine student ability level