Teaching and Learning
Berwyn North District 98 is dedicated to having our students achieve their personal, academic and civic potential. We are committed to providing all students with the highest quality curriculum and instruction. The District works to ensure that all students are held to high learning standards and expectations that will enable them to be well-rounded, thought-provoking independent thinkers.
Our mission is to educate each child in an environment of excellence that provides a foundation for contributing to a complex global society. District 98 is committed to fostering the personal, academic and civic growth of every learner. These differences are assets to student learning and to developing productive, empathetic, and ethical citizens who can thrive in an ever-changing global society.
The Illinois Learning Standards establish expectations for what all students should know and be able to do in each subject at each grade. Berwyn North 98 uses the following curriculum resources to support the Illinois Learning Standards.