Once you click on the link it will prompt you to the Powerform Signature page. The staff requesting the course pre-approval will be the first signer and will enter his/her full name and email address. You will also enter the second signer (Superintendent) full name and email address then hit begin signing. This will take you to the electronic form which you will fill out completely then sign. Once complete the form will be emailed to the second signer (Dr. Michelle Smith for approval/signature). Email documentation that proves the institution is accredited to
Once you click on the link it will prompt you to the Powerform Signature page. The staff that has completed professional development hours will be the first signer and will enter his/her full name and email address. You will also enter the second signer (Superintendent) full name and email address then hit begin signing. This will take you to the electronic form which you will fill out completely then sign. Once complete the form will be emailed to the second signer (Dr. Michelle Smith for approval/signature).